Comparing the Pros and Cons of Instream and Outstream Video Advertising

Vizibl Experts

Published November 20, 2023

Video advertising has become an indispensable tool for digital marketers looking to engage and convert their target audience. However, within the realm of video advertising, two primary formats reign supreme: instream and outstream video ads.

Both formats offered by a leading mobile video advertising platform have distinct pros and cons. Knowing when to deploy each is vital for marketing success.

Instream Video Ads: Immersive and Engaging

Instream video ads are seamlessly integrated into video content, usually appearing before, during, or after the main video. These ads are familiar to anyone who has watched videos on platforms like YouTube or streaming services.

Instream video ads play within a dedicated video player and often come with a predetermined duration during which they cannot be skipped. Here’s a closer look at the pros and cons of using instream video ads.

Pros of Instream Video Ads
  • Higher CPMs: In the realm of online video advertising platforms, such as Vizibl, instream video ads frequently yield higher CPMs (Cost Per Mille) compared to their out-stream counterparts, translating to increased revenue potential for content creators and publishers.
  • Compatible with OTT and CTV: Instream ads are well-suited for Over-The-Top (OTT) and Connected TV (CTV) platforms, making them ideal for advertising on smart TVs and other large screens, where viewers have come to expect traditional commercial breaks.
  • Attention-grabbing and engaging: Instream video ads have a captive audience, as viewers anticipate encountering ads while consuming video content. This heightened level of immersion can lead to more engagement and better brand recall.
Cons of Instream Video Ads
  • Intrusive to the user experience:Instream ads can be seen as intrusive because they disrupt the natural flow of the video content. Viewers may find them annoying or may choose to skip them if given the option.
  • Require existing video content:To use instream ads, you need video content to insert them into. This can be a barrier for marketers who rely on other content formats.
  • Require an ad-compatible video player:Instream ads require a video player that supports ad integrations. This can limit your options for distribution and reach.

Outstream Video Ads: Non-disruptive and Flexible

Outstream video advertising takes a different approach by showcasing video ads beyond traditional video player environments. Mobile video advertising platforms can help you run such ads within text-based articles, social media feeds, or other non-video content, broadening the reach and impact.

Outstream ads play automatically when they appear on a web page or app and may pause or stop when they are no longer visible. Let’s explore the pros and cons of using out-stream video ads.

Pros of Outstream Video Ads
  • Less intrusive: Outstream ads are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding content, providing a non-disruptive experience for the viewer. They do not interrupt the primary video being watched, making them less intrusive.
  • Highly flexible: Outstream video ads are highly versatile and can be placed in various contexts, such as news articles, blog posts, and social media feeds. Benefitting from this flexibility, online video advertising platforms, like Vizibl, help advertisers to reach a broader audience.
  • Don’t require video content: Unlike in-stream ads, out-stream ads do not depend on existing video content. This makes them accessible to a broader range of content creators.

Also Read: How to Harness the Power of Video Advertising: The Impact of Video in Programmatic Campaigns

Cons of Outstream Video Ads
  • More strictly regulated:Outstream ads are subject to stricter regulations, as they are often placed within non-video content. Advertisers need to adhere to guidelines to ensure that they don’t disrupt the user experience.
  • Not as noticeable:Outstream ads may not be as noticeable as their Instream counterparts since they seamlessly blend into the content. This could impact their visibility and engagement.
  • Can impact website performance: Running out-of-stream video ads on your website or app may affect its performance, especially if the ads are data-heavy and cause slower loading times.
Unleash the Power of Video Advertising with Vizibl

The choice between instream and out-stream video advertising depends on your specific goals, target audience, and the content you have at your disposal. No matter which format you opt for, the significance of choosing the right mobile video advertising platform to boost your ads cannot be underestimated. With its video-ready platform, Vizibl offers specialized optimization and comprehensive reporting, granting access to premium video inventory for targeted ad placement.

Whether you choose in-stream or out-stream advertising, Vizibl ensures your message reaches the right audience, and its granular control of ad placement optimizes engagement. What truly sets Vizibl apart is its unwavering commitment to brand safety and ad fraud protection, safeguarding your brand’s reputation and your investments. Choose Vizibl as your powerful, secure, and highly effective online video advertising platform to drive results and elevate your digital marketing strategy to new heights.

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